We all feel low from time to time, and sometimes struggle to cope with demands of life or a particular life event such as a bereavement. This is completely normal. However, in some case these feelings don’t seem to go away and can even become worse.
If you identify with any of the following symptoms, and have felt this way for a while, you MAY be depressed;
• Loss of enjoyment in previous interests
• Extreme black and white thinking or stuck in negative thought patterns
• Difficulty sleeping and never seeming to feel rested or energised
• Changes in appetite
• Loss of sociability ie. wanting to be alone, can’t face people or social situations
• Loss of libido
If you feel you may be depressed, or you are having feelings that you can’t cope with, the best thing to do is contact your GP. Talking things over with a friend can also help as can talking to a trained professional such as a counsellor or therapist.
For more information, visit www.nhs.uk/depression